Protocol of well-being and hygiene


Hotel Canada reinforced its procedures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, in view of the current health needs.

Apartments and common areas

Security – We intensify the cleaning of rooms and common areas. 70% alcohol gel is available in all common areas of the hotel. The use of masks is mandatory.

Housekeeping – Cleaning of rooms is done upon request and only in the absence of guests.

Elevator and stairs – We ask that the elevator be used by people in the same room each time. Guests who wish to avoid using the elevator can use the stairs that are cleaned regularly.

Shared spaces

Reception – It is important to follow the 1.5m minimum distance rule.

Television room – The moment asks us to avoid crowds, respecting the maximum number of people and rules of distance.


Training – Our employees received training and guidance according to the Health Department.

PPE – All are properly equipped with a mask and, when necessary, other PPE.

Food and drinks

Restaurant utensils washed at high temperature and finished with 70 alcohol.

Meals are served in individual portions in the restaurant, keeping tables organized at least 1.5m apart.

The breakfast room is currently for the exclusive use of guests.

For guests who need isolation or so wish, breakfast can be served in the apartment.

Be welcome!

Let’s go through this delicate moment together!

Canada Hotel Team.